Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Brain Pixel

brain pixel from liz greeen on Vimeo.

My final video work of the last two semesters - soon, more! Making these is really slow.

Some credits - the whale and chicken rotoscopy is done from stock footage from Getty and the cat is from footage by Dmitrius K Obergfel. This was silent up until Stephan Herrera awesomely worked together a soundtrack for it - I think the entire mood of the piece is changed and improved by this, and honestly I would never have considered it finished without his hard work.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Don't you know?

Haha. Heh.

I feel like it's redundant to explain text-based art, but maybe the sarcasm here isn't exactly obvious.
Working at Whole Foods, especially, I am growingly aware of how organics and recycling are new forms of conspicuous consumption. I feel that in a way, the eco-consciesness movement has lost a lot of heart, or more specifically, lost a lot of direction. The green movement can do a lot to better the world, indeed, but it realistically has become an extension of the market instead of a pragmatic solution to the very real problem of global pollution (plastics most especially).

Point being - the world will not be saved by artists ironing together plastic bags to make art, or recycling plastic cups, nor by buying new "green" reusable objects, or buying anything, really. Sustainability is not achievable through MORE consumption - a paradigm shift needs to take place in which individuals are aware of how to make what they need in order to live, so as to avoid the unnecessary production of useless disposable junk.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Human sketchbook.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I have been making some little things..


artist assisting

Been working with John Mcenroe to fill ten thousand glass tubes with polyeurathane resin for an installation by Donald Lipski.

It has been pretty fucking awesome.